What have you placed your faith in?

Apr 12, 2023 | Blog

It’s a glorious spring day in the Boston area, a good day to put away the heaters for the water I leave out for wildlife, in faith that freezing temps are no more for some months. It’s a ritual that heralds spring along with taking the water hoses out of the barn for watering new and established plants.

Faith is a powerful energy and what you have faith in will have power in your life. What you have faith in is instrumental to what you feel is possible for yourself in life and love. If you have faith you are worthy of love, you will not tolerate consistent bad behavior from those you love. And if you have faith in your not being worthy of love, you will tolerate such behavior.

Many of the people I work with have faith in their lacking worth, or faith that being treated badly by someone they love was somehow deserved. Pointing out their lack of faith in themselves, their doubt in being worthy of love, is often the first clue for the person where they have placed their faith. We then work on changing their faith to being lovable- warts and all-for realizing more of what they seek in love or life.

Faith works hand in hand with commitment. What we have faith in, we are able to commit to. And what we don’t have faith in will be challenging to commit to. Faith is intimate with being willing to risk making the different choices a desired change requires. Without faith in ourself and in life, we will empower our fears more than our desires.

Faith in yourself is also related to the faith you have in life. When you have faith in yourself, when you trust yourself, you will trust life more as well. Yet, it is not easy to have faith in yourself or trust in life if you have not updated beliefs formed as a child when you had little power. It is not so much the facts of life that challenge us in realizing what we seek in life and love as it is whether we have faith in ourself and in life.

Curious how beliefs formed in childhood might be wreaking havoc in love or your life? Sign up for a free Clarity Session, a 45 minute phone session, and gain some clarity on a problem you are tired of feeling helpless or hopeless about.