Do You Have A Case Of “The Beiges”?

Do You Have A Case Of “The Beiges”?

I am working with a client in his 40’s who’s wondering how he found himself in the marriage that almost killed him. Literally. He prides himself on being a good person, a nice guy, and his ex is clearly mentally challenged. He is thoughtful,...

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Family Patterns Of Pain

Family Patterns Of Pain

This past weekend included a day we set aside to honor mothers and upcoming is a day for honoring fathers. I know from my work-and my own life-how such days can be a mixed bag or even painful reminders of expectations not met. Or what I call “the...

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Be An Advocate For Yourself

Be An Advocate For Yourself

Many of the people I work with are dealing with lawyers, be it for engaging a divorce or dealing with what I call post-divorce cleanup. One of the most common complaints I hear from my clients working with a lawyer is how the lawyer is not advocating for them.

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What have you placed your faith in?

What have you placed your faith in?

Faith is a powerful energy and what you have faith in will have power in your life. What you have faith in is instrumental to what you feel is possible for yourself in life and love. If you have faith you are worthy of love, you will not tolerate consistent bad behavior from those you love. And if you have faith in your not being worthy of love, you will tolerate such behavior.

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Boundaries Are Not Optional For Happiness in Love and Life

Boundaries Are Not Optional For Happiness in Love and Life

People are often curious how I went from being an architect to being a mediator to now helping people feel empowered to make things in their life better. I tell them that it’s been an evolution from creating spaces for people to helping people create space for themselves in their life. And, doing so begins with creating boundaries that reflect one’s worth and what they are seeking in life and love. 

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I’m Not A Fan Of You Being So Nice

I’m Not A Fan Of You Being So Nice

One of the common threads of the smart, capable people I work with is a childhood in which a parent would threaten or withhold love for having the child behave as the parent wanted. No, these are not childhoods where deprivation or poverty was present; quite the opposite.

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Life’s Edges Are Where Things Get Better

Life’s Edges Are Where Things Get Better

I’ve been working on updating my website over the winter and while it’s a work in progress, it’s beginning to come together. One of my favorite sections is the Gratitude section where people share their thoughts after making something important to them, better. I have deep respect for the people who make a choice to commit their faith, time, and courage to creating desired change in their life.

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Are You The Author of The Story Of Your Life?

Are You The Author of The Story Of Your Life?

I work with smart, competent people who often don’t feel so competent or smart in a relationship they are struggling with. Often they have worked with traditional therapy to no avail and are looking elsewhere for help. They often mistake feeling challenged by the state of the relationship as a judgment of themselves and their worthiness. Yet nothing could be further from the truth as within all challenges is the invitation to realize more of who one is and is truly capable of.

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